On Sept 8, 2020 during a Minot City Council meeting, a group of individuals came to share their objections to the raising of the rainbow flag in front of City Hall on Sept. 2nd (for a 24 hours period). You can view that part of the meeting (starting at the 1:12 mark) here. This video (or parts of) has been watched by millions of people across the world.
What happened at the City Council meeting, while painful and difficult, was a necessary rupture in our community. From this rupture, I have full confidence that our community, our Minot, will become stronger and better. Since that meeting, the Minot I came home to in 2017 and fell in love with, and am honored to serve, fiercely rose up to stand with the LGBTQ communities of Minot. I have received hundreds of messages from Minoters, North Dakotans, people across North America and around the world. Some of these messages are filled with sadness and despair and the loss of hope in our city. Some are from young queer Minoters who are scared and cannot wait to leave this city, some are from queers who did leave and have nothing but horrible memories and the meeting enforced these memories. So for them, I have decided to share some of the beautiful, loving and kind messages I have received so that they can see and believe that #LoveAlwaysWins.
Click on past messages: